الجمعة، 8 يناير 2016

What It Takes To Lose Weight

What It Takes To Lose Weight

To lose weight, you have to eat fewer calories than your body uses. Calories are the amount of energy in the food you eat. Some foods have more calories than others. For example,

foods that are high in fat and sugar are also high in calories. If you eat more calories than your body uses, the extra calories will be stored as body excess fat.

More importantly, calories in/calories out” doesn't account for nutrient partitioning. Nutrient partitioning” refers to the way calories are used in your body: are they burned for energy, or are they stored as fat? If two people each eat a bagel, and one of them burns the calories to keep her body temperature up while the other stores them as fat, then technically they've both proven the laws of calories in, calories out,” but with very different results!

You have a body fat set point.” But Paul Jaminet also hypothesizes that your body has an even more important set point for maintaining the health of your lean tissue. If your body isn't getting the micronutrients it needs, it will try to get more nutrients using the same mechanisms that it uses when you fall too far below your body fat set point: increasing your appetite and extracting more energy from your food. If you're eating nutrient-poor processed foods all the time, you'll just stay hungry, because your body is desperately looking for nutrients by driving you to eat more food.

This is called the Food Reward Hypothesis. Basically it goes like this: the foods available in the modern world are more intensely stimulating than anything our brains evolved to deal with. Most people innately find certain tastes and textures (sweetness, saltiness, crunchiness…) pleasurable; this pleasure is called food reward. Highly processed foods overwhelm our brains with a level of food reward that they simply can't handle, creating a kind of food addiction and throwing our natural taste for healthy foods completely out of balance.

Remember from above that nutrient partitioning” means whether a given calorie gets stored for later or burned for fuel. If you store a calorie, then theoretically, it's available for fuel the next time you need it - like, say, in a few hours when you've digested your meal but still need a steady supply of energy from somewhere. Unless you have a precisely monitored IV drip of nutrients attached to your body at all times, you switch back and forth during the day from running off the food you just ate to running off your stored fat reserves.

Insulin is a hormone produced in the pancreas. It's a storage hormone: it stores energy for you to use later (either as glycogen in your muscles, or just in your fat cells). Insulin is produced in response to eating either protein or carbohydrates (not just carbs!), and in healthy people it spikes right after a meal to deal with all the energy you just ate and then settles down again to let you run off your stored energy reserves until your next meal.

Sometimes, though, insulin stays elevated all the time. This prevents you from running off your stored energy reserves, because you're constantly in storage mode” and never switch over to burning those stored calories. In this situation, you're eating enough calories, but they're not available for energy, so your body is starving (and you still feel hungry) even though you're gaining fat. It's the worst of both worlds.

Regardless of how it starts, though, chronically high insulin can overwhelm the body's set point” and cause weight gain. Problems with insulin also affect another hormone called leptin , which regulates appetite and metabolism. The ultimate result is that your body is now defending” a higher weight, making it very difficult to get (or stay) lean. If you want to lose weight like this, you'll have to eat an astonishingly tiny amount of food, and you'll constantly be hungry and cranky - realistically, it's almost impossible.

If you're eating a solid Paleo diet, you're eating an amazing variety of nutrient-dense foods, from superstar animal foods like liver and seafood to plant foods like avocados , not to mention the big pile of vegetables at every meal. For most people, Paleo is much more nutritious than anything they were eating previously. In some cases , a supplement might help, but generally speaking, Paleo has you covered for nutrition without really paying much attention to individual vitamins and minerals.

First, find a carb level that works for you. When it comes to weight loss, carbs are complicated. If insulin is a fat storage hormone and carbs raise insulin, you'd think that completely avoiding all forms of starch and shooting for ketosis would be the fast track to metabolic healing. For some people, it works that way. But on the other hand, not everyone does well with low-carb; some people actually lose weight faster with a moderate-carb diet. You can read all about this in detail here ; the short version is: Paleo works because it lets you find the carb level that fits your own body, not because it prescribes one carb intake that everyone has to follow.

A third strategy is intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting mimics the benefits of carbohydrate restriction: for example, it lowers insulin, prompting your metabolism to use stored body fat for fuel. Since you aren't taking in any calories during a fast, your body runs entirely on the stored fat. As icing on the fat-burning cake, fasting also raises the levels of several other fat-burning hormones like growth hormone and adrenalin.

Like a standard Paleo diet, intermittent fasting also lowers your calorie intake without forcing you to think about calories: you might eat a slightly larger meal to break your fast, but if you fast for 24 hours you're hardly likely to eat an entire extra day's worth of food at the end. A word of caution, though: fasting isn't for everyone, and there's no requirement to do it if it doesn't work with your body.

Finally, you can improve nutrient partitioning through that most old-fashioned of weight reducers: exercise. Exercise is not good for fat loss because it burns calories.” It works because exercise improves the hormonal environment in your body, making it more conducive to good nutrient partitioning (burning calories for fuel instead of storing them as fat).

Successful weight loss isn't about counting calories in your low-carb tortillas, or earning” every indulgence with an hour of sweating it out on the treadmill. Trying to starve your body into submission without addressing your underlying metabolic problems and nutritional needs is ineffective and unnecessarily painful. The key to lasting weight loss is to work with your body, not against it, and address the underlying problem behind the weight gain. Then the weight should come off more or less painlessly, with a minimum of deliberate restriction and a maximum of delicious meals!

The body requires protein to maintain the muscles and to produce hormones. Essential fatty acids are needed for cell replication and to maintain the structure of the nervous system. Therefore, any reduction of Calories must be accomplished by reducing saturated fats and carbohydrates. A diet should always provide an adequate amount of protein and essential fatty acids (EFAs). The body needs at least 15 grams of EFAs per day, which can be obtained by eating meats, fish, nuts, and flaxseed. Very low calorie diets (less than 1300 calories per day) should be avoided because they generally do not provide all the nutrients needed for good health.

The form below calculates the daily requirement of protein, the Body Mass Index, the Waist-to-Height ratio, and the percentage of body fat using the U.S. Navy Circumference Method. These metrics can help to track your progress toward achieving a healthy body structure. The method for calculating the percentage of body fat requires measurements to within 0.5 cm or 1/4 inch. Measurements should be done so that the tape measure fits snugly but does not compress the skin.

Calories per day - The minimum number of Calories per day is calculated based on height and sex according to the guidelines of the Institute of Medicine. When the BMI is 25 or greater, the minimum number of Calories is reduced by 15% to obtain a diet that is not very severe and can be maintained for many months without adverse effects by persons with normal health. The number of Calories may need to be increased depending on the level of activity, but increasing them by more than 15% may not result in loss of weight. To lose weight, your intake of carbohydrates should be less than 60 grams per day (no more than 240 Calories) distributed throughout the day.

BMI is only one of the ways to look at your overall health. One problem with BMI is that it doesn't take into account what type of weight you carry. If you are overweight but muscular, you are obviously healthier than someone who is overweight and fat. Since BMI can't tell the difference between fat and muscle, you need to either decide for yourself whether its accurate for your body type or use another method such as body composition However, if you eat as much as you want and rarely exercise, your overweight or obese BMI categorization is most likely accurate.

Losing weight requires that you create a calorie deficit A calorie deficit is a state in which you burn more calories than you eat. If the calorie calculator estimated that your body burns 3,000 calories per day, eating 2,500 calories per day would create a 500 per day calorie deficit. This calorie deficit forces your body to look for energy from non-food sources, typically body fat. Over time, this causes weight loss.

The bigger your calorie deficit, the faster you'll lose weight. You can create a calorie deficit by eating less, exercising more or a combination of both. Avoid cutting your calories too drastically which will cause the body to slow down your metabolism in order to compensate for the lower intake. If you find yourself not losing weight fast enough, consider trying a more intense and longer exercise routine.

Maintaining weight is fairly easy, simply eat the amount of calories that your body needs and you will neither store/burn fat or build muscle. Just because you're already at an ideal weight doesn't mean you should ignore the principles of living a healthy lifestyle. Weight is only one indication of overall health. Your exercise routine and diet will also determine your overall health. There are plenty of people at an ideal weight who are also unhealthy.

The diet of underweight people is often lacking in calories. Underweight people may also be burning off more calories than they are taking in due to excessive exercise. You should contact your GP or health professional to discuss how you can safely change your diet and lifestyle so that you become a healthy weight. This will probably involve increasing the amount of calories that you take in via your food and drink per day as part of a healthy balanced diet.

You should aim to lower the number of calories you intake as part of a well balanced diet. More gentle exercise will help reduce your weight by burning more calories and will also increase your general energy levels. Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day and reduce 'snacking' between meals. Aim to lose around 1 - 2 pounds (1KG) per week until you reach your ideal weight.

You should aim for steady weight loss by eating a well balanced diet that contains lots of fresh fruit and vegetables and that contains fewer calories than your current diet. You should try to exercise more, once you start exercising regularly you will feel more energetic and find it easier. You should consult your health professional to discuss the changes you intend to make.

You can help to reduce your weight by reducing the amount of calories you consume in your diet. This means reducing fizzy drinks, high fat snacks such as crisps, biscuits, sweets etc. Try and cut out any snacking between meals. If you want to start a an exercise program but lack the confidence speak to your GP or health professional who will be able to advise you on types of suitable exercise, support groups and suitable clubs / facilities. If you find motivating yourself hard then clubs or support groups can help with this.

What does my BMI result mean? Take a look at our chart to see if your BMI calculation is healthy. BMI results Under 18.5 Underweight 18.5 - 25 Healthy weight 25-30 Overweight 30-40 Obese Over 40 Severely obese This means that our BMI result of 27.36 is categorised as overweight. Being overweight can cause many health problems, including high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, sleep apnoea and even depression.

This body mass index calculator is based on the standard BMI measurement that takes your weight and height and basically tells you if you have an unhealthy body weight. It works for adults, both men and women above age 19. It is a good indicator of the amount of body fat you have, which is directly related to the risk of various diseases and early death. The official formula, which is used in this BMI calculator, is weight(kg) / (height(m) x height(m)) (it can be adjusted for different units like pounds and inches).

Children and adolescents: The advice in the Weight Management and Calories section is for adults. Because children and adolescents are growing, their BMI is plotted on growth charts for sex and age. You can learn more about BMIs for children and adolescents, and determine your child's weight status using the BMI calculator If your child is overweight or obese, consult a health care provider to determine appropriate weight management for him or her.

Anyone who is overweight should try to avoid gaining additional weight. Additionally, if you are overweight with other risk factors (such as high LDL cholesterol, low HDL cholesterol, or high blood pressure), you should try to lose weight. Even a small weight loss (just 10% of your current weight) may help lower the risk of disease. Talk with your healthcare provider to determine appropriate ways to lose weight.

The body mass index is simply a number, derived by using height and weight measurements (for adults over 20 years old, bmi is calculated by dividing weight in kilograms by height in meters squared), that gives a general indication if weight falls within a healthy range. If your bmi is between 18.5 and 25, you are said to have a normal weight. If it's over 25, you are overweight, and over 30 we are talking about obesity.

Usually an ideal body weight is equivalent to a bmi of about 22. If you have tried using bmi tables to figure out your ideal weight, you may know it can be quite confusing. That's why we decided to offer you this simple ideal weight and overweight calculator. You just have to enter your personal information, and you'll find out what your ideal weight is. Moreover, if you are overweight, it will tell you how many extra pounds you have.

In most people, a bmi over 25 signifies overweight, and a bmi over 30 denotes obesity. There are some notable exceptions, though. If you are an athlete and have a lot of muscle mass, your bmi may be over 25, yet your body fat mass is not increased. As a matter of fact, your body fat percentage is likely to be significantly lower than in sedentary people.

Assuming you do not have extra muscle mass or a large skeletal frame your weight falls into the overweight range. This means you have a slightly increased risk for health problems like heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. The good news is that through healthy eating and regular physical activity, you may be able to reduce both your weight and lower your disease risk.

Your weight falls into the very overweight category. This increases your risk for heart disease, diabetes and hypertension. The good news is that by losing as little as 5-10% of your current weight, you may be able to reduce your risk for some of these conditions or bring them into better control if you have them. A combination of healthy eating, an active lifestyle, and one-on-one support may help you reach a personally realistic goal.

Way back in year 2000 when I created all this BMI stuff, calculators and analysis and custom formulas, the CDC was lagging. But to their credit, the science and their webpages and calculators have become quite good. You can unfortunately still find rigid categories on CDC pages like this but, they have more useful things like a BMI percentiles calculator for children, which, reminds me to mention because it's not obvious: my Weight Percentiles calculator is VERY equivalent to a BMI percentile.

The results given by this bmi calculator should be used only as a guide and should not replace medical advice. Please bear in mind that, when interpreting the results of this body mass index calculator, other factors such as muscle structure and ethnic origin should be considered. For example, a person with a lot of muscle might have a higher BMI, when their body is actually perfectly healthy, due to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat.

BMI is not used for muscle builders, long distance athletes, pregnant women, the elderly or young children. This is because BMI does not take into account whether the weight is carried as muscle or fat, just the number. Those with a higher muscle mass, such as athletes, may have a high BMI but not be at greater health risk. Those with a lower muscle mass, such as children who have not completed their growth or the elderly who may be losing some muscle mass may have a lower BMI. During pregnancy and lactation, a woman's body composition changes, so using BMI is not appropriate.

Thus it is really important to take all this into consideration when trying to understand your BMI reading and also talk with a specialist or nutritionist before undergoing any new fitness or wellness routine or diet. One final thing to recall is that the overweight”, underweight” readings shown in this BMI Calculator are with respect to a pre-defined average normal” body weight. This means that for bodybuilders(weightlifters) and extremely fit people, some of the time it's better being overweight” because to them the BMI is stating they are heavier than normal” people, which is in fact the goal most bodybuilders want to obtain.

Inspite of all the downfalls and limitations detailed above that come with the body mass index, ironically those same limitations play a part in why it is still broadly used. These same restrictions still emerge in many different health indices and frankly will always have limitations, to different degrees, because for the simple reason that every individual is different and thus no single list can comprise all people. As each and every health index have its own limitations, the BMI is still used because it is the broadest and by far simplest index to calculate: just weight divided by height squared.

Even though different health indices exist for example Body Fat Percentage which is more accurate in predicting whether a certain individual has a healthy body weight or not, the issue with those is that they require slightly more effort in obtaining the appropriate measurements for each person. Not only that but the fact that there are many other indices and formulas for these methods, it makes comparing them more difficult as well.

To properly measure your Waist Circumference: Find your upper hip bone, the waist is usually measured at one inch above the naval, place a measuring tape around the abdomen, be sure the tape is horizontal, the tape measure should be firm but should not compress the skin. Changes in your waist circumference over time can indicate an increase or decrease in your abdominal fat, an increase in abdominal fat is associated with an greater risk of developing heart disease.

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At Slimming World we'll never tell you what you should weigh or what your personal target weight should be. However, if you'd like some help in deciding your personal weight loss goal, your BMI can serve as a guide for most of us. You can also use our Weight Range Chart to give you another way to view your weight to height ratio and to help set your weight loss goals.

BMI Calculator is an easy to use portable software for calculating Body Mass Index. It has a simple user interface. It lets you calculate your BMI (Body Mass Index) quickly. Just insert the values like: height, weight, and age in the given fields and click Calculate button. It shows the calculated BMI value and notifies about the condition of health levels. It has both US and Metric values calculator. It also shows the chart at the bottom of the program window about risk factors based upon BMI value for both Men and Women.

Free BMI Calculator is simple straightforward BMI calculator for Males and Females. Just install and run the program and select your gender, height in Centimeters or in Feet & Inches, weight in Kilograms or Stones & Pounds. After entering the values, click Calculate BMI button and it will show your BMI and health condition (underweight, normal weight, overweight, or heavily overweight).

What Health BMI Calc is very small (just 23.2 KB in ZIP file) BMI Calculator. It is a simple 4 step program. Just input or select height and weight from the drop down list and click CALCULATE button. It will show you your BMI in kg/m2. It highlights the weight status value based upon your calculated BMI. It doesn't require installation and can be used as a portable program.

BMI, Weight & Calorie Calculator is simple and easy to use BMI (Body Mass Index) calculator program which shows you your BMI value based upon data you entered. You have to provide your Height, Weight, Age, Gender, and Lifestyle to it and will calculate your BMI. It compares your BMI with high and low ranges and also shows you how much calories you need to maintain actual weight. Supports both U.S. and Metric system.

BMI Calculator is open source program for calculating your Body Mass Index. It comes in a ZIP format and does not require installation. Just extract it and run it. Just choose the units (SI or Imperial) and fill the values (height and weight) and click Calculate button to calculate your BMI. You can use any combination of units for height and weight. It display your BMI value and BMI category near system tray. It opens the Wikipedia page about Body Mass Index when closing it.

FinitySoft BMI Calculator is an easy to use BMI calculator for Windows. It shows the results instantly, even when you are inputting the values. First, choose from Imperial or from Metric units. Type or input your weight and height, choose your sex (Male or Female), and it will show you the BMI value and Ideal weight in the boxes below. It also shows the BMI Chart at the bottom of its window.

BSAcalc is bit different type of BMI calculator. It uses slider for inputting values. Just move the slider for Height and Weight and it will show you the BMI value in kg/m2. It only shows the value but does not provide the detail about the computed value. Surface area of the body can also be calculated with the help of this tiny program (in m2) and it lets you choose from different formulas for this. The program is portable and does not require installation.